Project content:
The elements of this performance are embodied in the title, "Weave - Rob - Sound - Process - Roam, "which reflects both the historical development of Dadaocheng, and the actual work performed by the artists. Nigel Brown, Alice Hui-Sheng Chang, and Yannick Dauby will visit and explore the area, recording and collecting sound samples to produce an installation work. Those materials will be incorporated into a live performance. The trio are all based in Taiwan, but none of them are intimately familiar with Dadaocheng. They intend to visit with "fresh ears," engaging in a process of discovery and interaction as outsiders. But by the time of the performance, they will have established a close connection with the local environment and space, and aim to present a new way to experience Dadaocheng.
Weave - Rob - Sound - Process - Roam:Installation Exhibition
Place:URS 127 玩藝工場 URS127 Art Factory
More Information:
Curator / 陳思銘 DavidChen
David Chen is an American-born singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who lives and works in Taipei,Taiwan. His band the Muddy Basin Ramblers, which play jazz, blues and American folk roots music, are beloved regular performers at TTTIFA. David has also participated in a number of award-winning music projects in Taiwan, which include serving as guitarist for Fade to Blue and Hakka singer Lo Sirong.
Artists / 澎葉生 Yannick Dauby / Official website
Yannick Dauby trained in musique concrete and improvisation, using found objects, electroacoustic devices and phonographies. He holds a degree in ethnomusicology from the University of Nice in his native France and a Masters degree in Digital Arts from the University of Poitiers. As a field recordist, Yannick's main interests lie in documenting animals and nature sounds, urban settings and unusual acoustic phenomena. He also collaborates regularly with musicians, visual artists and dancers, producing audio-visual performances and installations and filmmakers. His most recent projects include "The Body of the Mountain," a short film in collaboration with Tsai Wan-Shuen, which was shown at Sydney Biennale 2016; the film "Le Moulin" ( 日曜日式散步者 ), for which he received a nomination for best sound design at the Golden Horse Film Festival in 2016, and won best sound design award at the 2016 Taipei Film Festival. Through his Penghu Experimental Sound Studio project, Yannick is currently working with biologists and environmental NGOs in the Penghu archipelago to build a sound archive of underwater recordings and acoustic monitoring.
Artist / Nigel Brown / Official website
Nigel Brown has been working in the field of sound and experimental music since graduating from university in 2004. His interests revolve around improvised performance, recording for publication, gallery-based installation, and sound design for dance and theatre. Nigel has performed extensively in Australia, Europe and East Asia in events ranging from major festivals to small independent gigs. His work is focused on exploratory approaches to physical materials and finding unexpected sonic possibilities in existing instruments or other objects. Nigel completed an MFA at RMIT University in 2006, and a Bachelor of Arts (Media Arts) in 2004, specializing in sound.
Artist / 張惠笙 Alice Hui-Sheng Chang / Official website
Alice Hui-Sheng Chang was born on July 31, 1984 in Changhua, Taiwan. She graduated from RMIT University’sMFA program (2006) and previously completed a Bachelor of Arts (Media Arts) at RMIT. Alice also holds an MAin Experiential and Creative Arts Practices at the MIECAT Institute (2014). Alice's work focuses on the human voice, and she has performed in East Asia, Europe and Oceania at festivals including Liquid Architecture (Australia), Lacking Sound Festival (Taiwan), Santander Muestra de Arte Sonoro (Spain) and Elsie Else (France).